Sponsored by the Task Committee on Lift-Slab Construction of the Technical Council on Forensic Engineering of ASCE.
In 1987, the collapse of Ambiance Plaza in Bridgeport, Connecticut, demonstrated the need to re-evaluate the engineering of lift-slab construction and determine what is needed to make it safe. This report addresses engineering requirements for lift-slab construction and presents recommendations to engineers, architects, and lift-slab contractors for its safe use.
Topics include:
- Concepts and details of various lift-slab systems;
- Theories on the cause of the Ambiance Plaza collapse;
- Discussions on other failures and problems;
- Considerations and recommendations for lifting collars and lifting equipment;
- Considerations and recommendations for stability;
- Recommendations for construction loads;
- Discussions and recommendations for preventing progressive collapse; and
- Considerations for planning and execution of lift-slab projects.