The Bad Seed by John, Jory (#1523PF1)
Hardcover — Harper, an imprint of HarperCollinsPublishers, 2017
Price: $17.53
Dewey: -E-; Audience: Lower Elementary; Reading Level: 2.0
AR 2 LG .5 190573EN; RC 1.3 1; LEX AD390L
From the publisher: Grades Pre-K/K-3; Ages 4-8
From Kirkus: Ages 4-8; PW: Ages 4-8; SLJ: K-Gr 2
Humor Personification (Literary device) Picture Book Self-Awareness Social-Emotional Learning Stories About Me

The Red Pencil by Pinkney, Andrea Davis (#0738UQ0)
Hardcover — Little, Brown and Company, 2014
Price: $26.34
Dewey: -Fic-; Audience: Upper Elementary; Reading Level: 4.6
AR 4.2 MG 3 168792EN; RC 4.5 7; LEX HL620L; F&P Y
From the publisher: Grades 4 and up
From Booklist: Grades 4-8; Kirkus: Ages 8-12; PW: Ages 9-up; SLJ: Gr 5-7
Africa Novels in Verse Realistic Fiction Refugees Social Awareness
FREE Teaching Resources available for download.

Girl Rising : Changing the world one girl at a time by Stone, Tanya Lee (#1455VD3)
Hardcover — Wendy Lamb Books, an imprint of Random House Children’s Books, a division of Penguin Random House LLC, 2017
Price: $19.97
Dewey: 371.822; Audience: Young Adult
RC 9.4 9; LEX 1050L
From the publisher: Age 14
From Booklist: Grades 9-12; Kirkus: Ages 14+; PW: Ages 14-up; SLJ: Gr 8-Up
Human Rights Overcoming Adversity Social Issues
FREE Teaching Resources available for download.