Remedies in a nutshell by Tabb, William Murray

Remedies in a nutshell
by Tabb, William Murray


Paperback 2017
Description: 1 online resource (xxvii, 387 pages)
Dewey: 347.73

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Product Overview
From Follett

Includes table of cases and index.;Introduction to remedies -- The significance of remedial characterizations -- Preventive injunctions -- Specific performance -- Equitable defenses -- Preliminary injunctions and temporary restraining orders -- Contempt -- Structural, restorative, and prophylactic injunctions -- Special issues in equity -- Breach of contract remedies -- Tort damages -- Adjustments to damages -- Limitations on compensatory damages -- Damages for economic loss or distress alone -- Punitive damages -- Unjust enrichment -- Limits on restitutionary remedies -- Jury trials -- Attorneys' fees -- Declaratory remedies.;Print version record. "This Nutshell explains what remedies are and their history. It examines the basic rules for legal and equitable remedies, injunctions, damages, restitution, rescission, reformation, and specific performance. This book explains how remedies are used for injuries to realty, personal property and money, personal interests, misrepresentation, mistake, duress, and breach of contract and also addresses restitution for unenforceable contracts."--Provided by publisher.

From the Publisher
This Nutshell explains what remedies are and their history. Examines the basic rules for legal and equitable remedies, injunctions, damages, restitution, rescission, reformation, and specific performance. Explains how remedies are used for injuries to realty, personal property and money, personal interests, misrepresentation, mistake, duress, and breach of contract. Also addresses restitution for unenforceable contracts.
Product Details
  • Publication Date: September 15, 2017
  • Format: Paperback
  • Series: Nutshell series
  • Edition: Third edition.
  • Dewey: 347.73
  • Description: 1 online resource (xxvii, 387 pages)
  • Tracings: Janutis, Rachel M., author.
  • ISBN-10: 1-68328-208-6
  • ISBN-13: 978-1-68328-208-2
  • Follett Number: 5QPVZ72