The Ultimate Geography Bee Resource Guide
Geography Bees are hot, with millions of fourth through eighth graders competing in National Geographic--sponsored Bees every year This indispensable guide will systematically prepare your child to beat the competition and
win Inside you'll discover:
-Important rules, the best strategies, and essential insider tips
-How to avoid the most common pitfalls
-Proven study techniques from teachers and parents
-Facts about every U.S. state and every country in the world
-1,001 practice Bee questions and answers
-And much more
School geography is no longer a matter of simply memorizing U.S. states and capitals. Today's students must also know the physical, political, economic, and cultural geography of the world, with current events thrown in for good measure. Because many states now mandate geography comprehension for students, this must-have resource for students, parents, and teachers will help any child become a geography whiz kid--and maybe even win a scholarship to college