Coyote's wild home by Hopp Kingsolver, Lily

Coyote's wild home (#2614YC1)

by Hopp Kingsolver, Lily; illustrated by Mirocha, Paul
Hardcover The Gryphon Press, 2023
Dewey: -E-; Audience: Lower Elementary
Description: 1 volume (unpaged) : color illustrations; 26 cm

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Product Overview
From Follett
"Pulitzer Prize winner Barbara Kingsolver and environmental educator Lily Kingsolver collaborate on their first children's book, 'Coyote's Wild Home'. The book takes us into the woods, meadows, and streams of an Appalachian forest where a girl and a coyote pup each have their first woodland adventures"--Provided by publisher.
From the Publisher

New York Times best-selling authorBarbara Kingsolver and environmental educator Lily Kingsolver collaborate ontheir first children's book, Coyote'sWild Home. The book takes us into the woods,meadows, and streams of an Appalachian forest where a girl and a coyote pupeach find their first woodland adventures. On their separate journeys into thewilderness with a beloved family member, the quietly intertwined paths of childand coyote will surprise and enchant young readers.

On young Diana'scamping trip with her grandfather, he shows her how to read the signs of allthe other animals who make their homes in the forest. When the distant howlof coyotes frightens her, Grandpa explains that they're not interested inhunting humans, just talking to each other. As he and Diana explore the woodstogether, Grandpa helps her understand the important work predators do inkeeping the wilderness healthy.

Meanwhile, Coyote Pup follows his aunt through the woods,imitating her every move, hoping to catch his dinner. When they watch Grandpaand Diana from a distance, he feels afraid, but Auntie steers him clear ofhumans, directing his attention instead toward mice and voles. With lessons inpatience, listening, and following his nose, it's a day of big tasks for asmall pup.

In Coyote's Wild Home,authors Lily Kingsolver and Barbara Kingsolver, both trained biologists, havecreated an homage to their beloved Appalachian home. With its richly detailedillustrations and gentle biology lessons, this story of two young explorersinvites readers to imagine wilderness as a place to be protected, loved, andshared.

Product Details
  • Publisher: The Gryphon Press
  • Publication Date: November 28, 2023
  • Format: Hardcover
  • Dewey: -E-
  • Classifications: Fiction, Easy
  • Description: 1 volume (unpaged) : color illustrations; 26 cm
  • Tracings: Kingsolver, Barbara, author. ; Mirocha, Paul, illustrator.
  • ISBN-10: 0-940719-48-7
  • ISBN-13: 978-0-940719-48-4
  • Follett Number: 2614YC1
  • Audience: Lower Elementary