Japanese folktales by Goodale, Kathie

Japanese folktales
by Goodale, Kathie; illustrated by Murphy, Dan


Hardcover Cole Dixon Publishing LLC, 2022
Description: 39 pages : color illustrations; 29 cm
Dewey: -E-; Audience: Lower Elementary; Reading Level: 3.4

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Product Overview
From Follett

Presents an illustrated collection of nine stories about people, talking animals, and magical spirits.

From the Publisher

A clever hare outsmarts a gang of hungry sharks. A brave samurai runs home with a monster's arm! A kind rabbit is given the moon as a gift, and a demon cannot understand humans! Illustrated tales, surprising twists, a detailed photo of each main character. Children will want to read this book again!

Product Details
  • Publisher: Cole Dixon Publishing LLC
  • Publication Date: November 1, 2022
  • Format: Hardcover
  • Dewey: -E-
  • Classifications: Fiction, Easy
  • Description: 39 pages : color illustrations ; 29 cm
  • Tracings: Murphy, Dan (Illustrator), illustrator.
  • ISBN-10: 0-578-63490-2
  • ISBN-13: 978-0-578-63490-6
  • Follett Number: 2970LBX
  • Reading Level: 3.4
  • Audience: Lower Elementary