The inner power of stillness by Filmer-Lorch, Alexander

The inner power of stillness
by Filmer-Lorch, Alexander


Paperback 2016
Description: xix, 255 pages : illustrations; 25 cm
Dewey: 610

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Product Overview
From Follett

Includes bibliographical references and index. The Inner Power of Stillness illuminates the lost value of stillness for the individual therapist or practitioner, both as a person and as a professional. The authors anchor the possibility of this inner evolution of the power of stillness on the latest research into tissue and cell memory. They also introduce the concept of a potential new modality called 'stillness-memory', and build upon this new understanding a logical and practical framework in which science and philosophy truly inform each other. This opens up access to a much larger canvas of new ideas and possibilities that carry the potential for us as practitioners to be the best people and the best professionals, without compromising our own overall health and wellbeing. In-depth knowledge of how to arrive at this promising new modality, as well as how to apply it in your everyday work and life, is at the heart of the book, including topics such as working from your inner power of stillness, the insightful self and, most importantly, the practitioner's toolkit. Some thought-provoking themes that might be of great value to therapists, teachers and practitioners can be found at the end of the book, providing a universal view of compassion and the solace that stillness can bring to people who are nearing the end of their life.--Source other than Library of Congress.

From the Publisher

The Inner Power of Stillness is not just another book about therapeutic presence, mindfulness and meditation. It explores and highlights the next evolutionary step, leading us beyond the already well-researched teachings of these topics, by looking at the multidimensional scale of stillness from an entirely different point of view.

The focal point is the inner development by therapists, practitioners and teachers of the mainly dormant potential of stillness and the storage capacity of stillness-stimulus and imprints in our tissue/fascia, as well as their benefits, use and application in a treatment or teaching environment.

The Inner Power of Stillness endeavours to illuminate the lost value of stillness for the therapist and practitioner both as a person and as a professional. The authors anchor the possibility of this inner evolution of the power of stillness to the latest research into tissue and cell memory.

They introduce the concept of a potential new modality called 'stillness-memory', and build upon this new understanding a logical and practical framework in which science and philosophy truly inform each other.

This opens up access to a much larger scale of new ideas and possibilities which, providing the transformative teachings they embody are put into practice, carry the potential for practitioners to be the best person and the best professional they can be, without compromising their own overall health and wellbeing.

In-depth knowledge of how to arrive at this promising new modality, as well as how to apply it in everyday work and life, is at the heart of the book. It covers topics such as working from your inner power of stillness, the insightful self and, most importantly, the practitioner's toolkit.

Some thought-provoking themes that might be of great value to therapists, teachers and practitioners who intend to dedicate some of their time to working for the greater good can be found at the end of the book, where consideration is given to a universal view of compassion and the solace that stillness can bring to people who are nearing the end of their life and final departure.

The book concludes with a philosophical note acknowledging the timeless nature of ancient wisdom, and the ever more important relevance and role of the philosopher in our modern world today.

The Inner Power of Stillness is a comprehensive guide for people working with people. It provides practical knowledge that will revolutionise the way practitioners help others:

Working from a greater perspective, being aware of the whole as well as the parts, and responding to the cause and not only the effect.

Working from an internal place of stillness.

Innovative and practical exercises and techniques to dissolve friction/struggles in sustaining a state of authentic therapeutic presence, mindfulness and meditation.

Product Details
  • Publication Date: August 17, 2016
  • Format: Paperback
  • Dewey: 610
  • Description: xix, 255 pages : illustrations ; 25 cm
  • Tracings: Barrow, Caroline, author. ; Gill, Margaret Anne, author.
  • ISBN-10: 1-909141-33-X
  • ISBN-13: 978-1-909141-33-9
  • LCCN: 2016-499236
  • Follett Number: 9NIMT23