An undiplomatic diary by Bandholtz, Harry Hill

An undiplomatic diary
by Bandholtz, Harry Hill


Hardcover Simon Publications, 2000
Description: 312 p.; 24 cm.

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Product Overview
From the Publisher
Bandholtz was America's representative to the Inter-Allied Supreme Command's Military Mission in Hungary at the end of World War I. Hungary placed a statue of General Bandholtz in front of the American embassy in Budapest; it was removed during the years following WWII and replaced after the fall of
Product Details
  • Publisher: Simon Publications
  • Publication Date: June 2000
  • Format: Hardcover
  • Description: 312 p. ; 24 cm.
  • Tracings: Kruger, Fritz-Konrad, 1887- ; Simon, Andrew L.
  • ISBN-10: 0-9665734-6-3
  • ISBN-13: 978-0-9665734-6-6
  • LCCN: 00-102297
  • Follett Number: 0VAEP4X