Evaporation, Evapotranspiration, and Irrigation Water Requirements. by 70, Task Committee on Revision of Manual

Evaporation, Evapotranspiration, and Irrigation Water Requirements.
by 70, Task Committee on Revision of Manual


Hardcover American Society of Civil Engineers, 2016
Description: 1 online resource (769 pages).
Dewey: 631.5

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Product Overview
From Follett

Print version record.;Intro; Contents ; Acknowledgments ; Preface ; Notation ; Part 1: Basic Concepts; Part 2: Evapotranspiration from Land Surfaces; Part 3: Water Requirement Estimates ; Appendix A: Conversion and Meteorological Tables; Appendix B: Mean Crop Coefficients in Subhumid Climates; Appendix C: Lengths of Crop Development Stages; Appendix D: Basal Crop Coefficients in Subhumid Climates; Appendix E: Mean and Basal Crop Coefficients for Crops Common to Temperate and Continental Climates; Appendix F: Basal Crop Coefficients for Crops Common to Temperate and Continental Climates with Thermal Basis.;Appendix G: Documentation for Crop Coefficient and ET Data Reporting and Determination of ET from Remote SensingAppendix H: Weather Data Integrity; Appendix I: Contribution of Capillary Flow from a Shallow Water Table to Evaporation and Evapotranspiration; Appendix J: Derivation of the Penman-Monteith Equation; Appendix K: Regional Estimating Methods and Methods Not Commonly Used in the United States; Appendix L: Comparison and Ranking of Methods for Estimating ET; Appendix M: Glossary; References ; Index ; Chapter 1: Introduction and History.;Chapter 2: Evaporation and Evapotranspiration ProcessesChapter 3: Soil-Plant-Atmosphere System; Chapter 4: Energy Balance; Chapter 5: Surface-Energy and Air-Mass Interactions and the Concept of Reference ET; Chapter 6: Evaporation from Water Surfaces; Chapter 7: Water and Energy Balance Components for Measurement and Estimation; Chapter 8: Reference Crop ET; Chapter 9: Evaporation from Soil; Chapter 10: Crop Coefficient Method; Chapter 11: Direct Penman-Monteith and Aerodynamic Energy Balance Equations; Chapter 12: Regional Estimates of Evapotranspiration.;Chapter 13: Selection of Appropriate Estimating Method Chapter 14: Estimates of Irrigation Water Requirements and Streamflow Depletion; 1.1 Introduction to Second Edition; 1.2 Development of ET and CU Studies in the United States; 1.3 Revised Edition; 2.1 Introduction; 2.2 The Water Budget; 2.3 The Energy Budget; 2.4 Controlling Factors; 2.5 Estimating Concepts; 2.6 Measurement Methods; 3.1 Introduction; 3.2 Physical Properties of Water, Water Vapor, and Air; 3.3 Soil Properties; 3.4 Soil-Water System; 3.5 Vegetative (Crop) Properties; 4.1 Introduction; 4.2 Energy Balance; 4.3 Net Radiation.;4.4 Soil Heat Flux Density 5.1 Introduction; 5.2 Weather and Surface Effects on Conversion of Energy to Latent Heat Flux; 5.3 Standardization of the Vegetative Cover; 6.1 Intr MOP 70 is a comprehensive reference to estimating the water quantities needed for irrigation of crops projects based upon the physics of evaporation and evapotranspiration (ET).

From the Publisher

Sponsored by the Committee on Evapotranspiration in Irrigation and Hydrology of the Irrigation and Drainage Council of the Environmental and Water Resources Institute of ASCE

Evaporation, Evapotranspiration, and Irrigation Requirements is a comprehensive reference to estimating the water quantities needed for irrigation of crops based upon the physics of evaporation and evapotranspiration (ET). This new edition of MOP 70, which updates and expands the 1990 original, provides improved and standardized methods to estimate evaporation and ET and to apply and evaluate calculations. The methods, which have both a physical and practical basis, improve clarity, accuracy, and consistency for systems design and management. They are also useful in legal applications involving water agreements, water disputes, and water rights.

As competition for water increases and water resources are depleted, this book provides the critical tools to accurately quantify amounts of water consumed by irrigated agriculture. The first part covers basic concepts and physical principles, such as evaporation and ET processes, soil-water-plant systems, energy balance, surface energy-air mass interactions, and evaporation from water surfaces. The second part on ET from land surfaces explains components of measurement and details on estimation; reference crop ET; evaporation from soil; the crop coefficient method; the Penman-Monteith and energy-balance equations; and regional estimates. A third part discusses estimation of irrigation water requirements (IWR) and streamflow depletions. Thirteen appendixes provide tables of mean and basal crop coefficients and background information on concepts and equations used throughout the manual.

MOP 70 is intended for use by consulting engineers and scientists working on water issues and by instructors of agricultural and civil engineering, hydrology, and environmental and agricultural sciences.

Product Details
  • Publisher: American Society of Civil Engineers
  • Publication Date: July 30, 2016
  • Format: Hardcover
  • Series: Manuals and Reports on Engineering Practice ; v. 70
  • Edition: 2nd ed.
  • Dewey: 631.5
  • Description: 1 online resource (769 pages).
  • Tracings: Jensen, Marvin E. ; Allen, Richard Glen.
  • ISBN-10: 0-7844-1405-X
  • ISBN-13: 978-0-7844-1405-7
  • Follett Number: 3GHIK82