The Annals Of Rural Bengal by William Wilson Hunter

The Annals Of Rural Bengal
by William Wilson Hunter


Follett eBook (perpetual term) (single-user access) NATIONAL BOOK NETWORK, 2018
Description: 475p.
Dewey: 900

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Product Overview
From the Publisher
The present volume contains the description about the ethnical Frontier of lower Bengal with the ancient principalities of Beerbhoom and Bishenpore. These State Papers are based on the popularity and results of British rule in India. They furnish a reasonable opportunity for a work which portrays the state of the country. The volume is a series of essays on the life of the peasant cultivator in Bengal after the English ascendancy: his troubles over the land, the currency, the courts, the village and general governments, the religious customs, and other institutions, all bearing directly on his prosperity. A valuable chapter is on the rebellion of the Santal tribes and its causes.In this volume, one of the most admirable civilians that England ever sent to India displays his finest qualities, not alone his immense scholarship and his literary charm, but his practical ability, his broad humanity and interest in the "dim common populations sunk in labor and pain".
Product Details
  • Publication Date: June 30, 2018
  • Format: Follett eBook (perpetual term) (single-user access)
  • Dewey: 900
  • Description: 475p.
  • ISBN-10: 81-212-5425-6
  • ISBN-13: 978-81-212-5425-0
  • Follett Number: 9NNFO97