One Cool Picnic, Nunavut Style by Suzanne Morgan Williams

One Cool Picnic, Nunavut Style
by Suzanne Morgan Williams


Follett Digital Audiobook FINDAWAY WORLD, LLC, 2018
Dewey: 909

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Product Overview
From the Publisher
Share an ice-fishing trip with fifth-grade students who live just below the Arctic Circle.
Product Details
  • Publisher: FINDAWAY WORLD, LLC
  • Publication Date: July 27, 2018
  • Format: Follett Digital Audiobook
  • Dewey: 909
  • Closed Captioning: No
  • Public Performance Rights: No
  • ISBN-10: 1-79220-574-0
  • ISBN-13: 978-1-79220-574-3
  • Follett Number: 6LHMD48
  • Catalog Number: 244055