The ABCs of Human Behavior Behavioral Principles for the Practicing Clinician by Ramnero, Jonas

The ABCs of Human Behavior Behavioral Principles for the Practicing Clinician
by Ramnero, Jonas


Follett eBook (perpetual term) (single-user access) New Harbinger Publications, 2008
Description: 1 online resource (338 pages)
Dewey: 616.89

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Product Overview
From Follett

Foreword; Our Thanks; Introduction. Building on Behaviorism: Cognitive/Behavioral Therapies, Behavioral Psychotherapy, and Functional Contextualism; Cognitive/Behavioral Therapies; Behavioral Psychotherapy and Behavioral Psychology; Our Journey to Writing This Book, or How Did We End Up Here?; What Behavior Is; A Functional Perspective: Our Clinical Starting Point; Functional Contextualism; Different Perspectives, Different Questions, Different Answers; Influencing Behavior; The Purpose of Our Perspective; What Lies Ahead in This Book; Chapter 1. Topographical Aspects of Behavior.;Formulating the ProblemNaming Is Not Explaining; Covert or Overt: Is It Just Behavior?; The Medical Model; And Thy Name Shall Be ... ; Observing and Categorizing Behavioral Excesses and Deficits; Observing Emotions: How Does It Feel?; How Much Detail Do We Need?; Hypothetical Constructs, or What About the Self-Confidence?; Functional for Life; Chapter 2. Observing Behavior: When, Where, and How Much?; Monitoring Behavior; Rating Scales for Behavior Evaluation; Evaluation of Clinical Problems; Chapter 3. Knowing Your ABCs; ABC Analysis: Antecedent, Behavior, Consequence.;Establishing Operations: An Additional Factor in Behavior AnalysisTalking About Behavior in Its Context; Chapter 4. Learning by Association: Respondent Conditioning; The Relationship Between Conditioned and Unconditioned Responses; The Relation of Basic Affects to Conditioned and Unconditioned Responses; Facilitation of Respondent Conditioning; Chapter 5. Learning by Consequences: Operant Conditioning; What Is Operant Conditioning?; How Consequences Affect Behavior; Reinforcement in Clinical Contexts; Punishment: The Attenuation of Behavior; Punishment in Clinical Contexts.;Chapter 6. Operant Conditioning: Stimulus ControlClinically Relevant Stimulus Control; Rule-Governed Behavior; Chapter 7. Learning by Relational Framing: Language and Cognition; How We Relate: Languaging and Thinking; Relational Responses; Relational Framing; Human Language and Psychopathology; Chapter 8. Applying Your ABCs; Analyzing Mirza's Experiences; Analyzing Leonard's Experiences; ABCs in Summary; Chapter 9. Functional Knowledge; Behavior Analysis: Focusing on the Functions of Behavior; Behavior Analysis and Prioritization; Chapter 10. Dialogue Toward Change.;Therapy Through Talking--and Its DilemmaSocializing the Client to the Therapy Model; Choosing a Direction for Therapy; The Use of Metaphors; Chapter 11. Principles and Practices; Re The ABCs of Human Behavior the first book to present modern behavioral psychology to practicing clinicians. The book focuses both on the classical principles of learning, as well as the more recent developments that help explain language and cognition.

From the Publisher
When cognitive behavior therapy emerged in the 1950s, driven by the work of Albert Ellis and Aaron Beck, basic behavior principles were largely sidelined in clinical psychology curricula. Issues in cognition became the focus of case conceptualization and intervention planning for most therapists. But as the new third-wave behavior therapies begin to address weaknesses in the traditional cognitive behavioral models-principally the modest effectiveness of thought stopping and cognitive restructuring techniques-basic behavior principles are once again attracting the interest of front-line clinicians. Many of today's clinicians, though, received their training during the years in which classical behaviorism was not a major part of clinical education. In order to make the best use of the new contextual behaviorism, they need to revisit basic behavioral principles from a practical angle. This book addresses this need.The ABCs of Human Behavior offers practicing clinicians a pithy and practical introduction to the basics of modern behavioral psychology. The book focuses both on the classical principles of learning as well as more recent developments that explain language and cognition in behavioral and contextual terms. These principles are not just discussed in the abstract-rather the book shows how the principles of learning apply in the clinical context. Practical and easy to read, the book walks clinicians through both common sense and clinical examples that help them learn to use behavioral principles to observe, explain, and influence behavior in a therapeutic setting.
Product Details
  • Publisher: New Harbinger Publications
  • Publication Date: March 1, 2008
  • Format: Follett eBook (perpetual term) (single-user access)
  • Dewey: 616.89
  • Description: 1 online resource (338 pages)
  • Tracings: Torneke, Niklas.
  • ISBN-10: 1-60882-436-5
  • ISBN-13: 978-1-60882-436-6
  • Follett Number: 6PMRO37