A Human Catechism by Joel David Aguilar Ramirez

A Human Catechism
by Joel David Aguilar Ramirez


Follett eBook (perpetual term) (single-user access) Lightning Source Inc, 2024

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Product Overview
From the Publisher
A Human Catechism is a theopoetic journey. It is the integration of personal experience, theological reflection, and contextual analysis. This book proposes a radical way of discipleship in which we are invited to run the risk of positively imitating one another through the imitation of Christ. If violence happens through the imitation of one another, maybe good things do too. As the reader embarks on a contextually self-reflective journey, this book invites us to take the chance of believing in a God in whom there is no violence. A Human Catechism will be a journey from what seemed impossible, to what became second nature, all the way to becoming responsible for modeling a way of being otherwise to those around us.
Product Details
  • Publisher: Lightning Source Inc
  • Publication Date: January 26, 2024
  • Format: Follett eBook (perpetual term) (single-user access)
  • ISBN-10: 1-66675-141-3
  • ISBN-13: 978-1-66675-141-3
  • Follett Number: 9YZ8A45