The Incredible Life of Willie Sharp Act 2: Saved by John Da' Pope by Hankins, Robert Thurston

The Incredible Life of Willie Sharp Act 2: Saved by John Da' Pope
by Hankins, Robert Thurston


Follett eBook (perpetual term) (single-user access) Lightning Source Inc, 2022
Description: 172p.
Dewey: 813

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Product Overview
From the Publisher
The Incredible Life Of Willie Sharp Act 2Saved By John The Pope Once again, we find ourselves on the magical streets of North Oakland California, where everything is not what it seems. We follow John Mungu a young brother whose life was upended by the tragic death of his father. Come travel with us as young Johnstruggles on his adventure to get clean from addiction. Cue our favorite whimsical wizard, Mr. Willie Sharp a.k.a "Salamander," who guides the young warrior to his place of redemption. John cannot do it alone, so he enlists his cousins and uncle. They create a great army of Rahsan warriors consisting of strong leaders from the North, West, and East sides of Oakland. They compose a greatunified conglomerate to take on Hsub and the Nashar one more time...
Product Details
  • Publisher: Lightning Source Inc
  • Publication Date: June 18, 2022
  • Format: Follett eBook (perpetual term) (single-user access)
  • Dewey: 813
  • Description: 172p.
  • ISBN-10: 0-578-28505-3
  • ISBN-13: 978-0-578-28505-4
  • Follett Number: 9QVOH4X