It's Not All About You!: The Secret Joy of Practical Humility by Daniel Aaron Cohen

It's Not All About You!: The Secret Joy of Practical Humility
by Daniel Aaron Cohen


Follett Digital Audiobook FINDAWAY WORLD, LLC, 2021
Dewey: 158

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Product Overview
From the Publisher
Its Not All About You!The Secret Joy of Practical Humility offers readers simple, easy paths to a happier life, addressing the lack of humility in our society and how it affects our mental health.With a robust sense of humor, the book details scores of paths to humility-- or mental happiness tools to help readers and the mental health professionals who work with them cope with lifes problems in a healthier way.It alleviates the anxiety, depression and anger we all face, maximizing happiness as part of the Positive Psychology movement. Written by a Licensed Clinical Social Worker whos been utilizing the paths to humility in his own personal life and private practice for many years, Its Not All About You! will lead readers to enjoy life more, freeing them from the stress caused by thinking too high, too low, or too often of themselves. In addition to the authors own insights, the book draws from a wide variety of sources, with quotes from Jerry Seinfeld, Mark Twain, Woody Allen, and Jimi Hendrix along with deep thinkers like the Dalai Lama, Michael Singer, Zora Neale Hurston, Mother Teresa, and many others.It also draws from the wisdom of Twelve Step programs and can be especially useful to those who are working the steps. Although Its Not All About You! was written by a minister in the American Baptist Church, it speaks to believers and non-believers alike due to the writers eclectic background, with Masters degrees in Journalism, Divinity and Social Work, and a BA in Religion from Columbia University that focused on Zen Buddhism. Its Not All About You! is the first in The Happiness Through Humility Series.Subsequent books are in the works on: 1) Accepting what we dont like about life but cannot change, and 2) Being thankful for everything we do like.Books on Humility in the Workplace, Relationships and Spirituality will follow.
Product Details
  • Publisher: FINDAWAY WORLD, LLC
  • Publication Date: January 21, 2021
  • Format: Follett Digital Audiobook
  • Dewey: 158
  • Closed Captioning: No
  • Public Performance Rights: No
  • ISBN-10: 1-66493-013-2
  • ISBN-13: 978-1-66493-013-1
  • Follett Number: 8BJNL7X
  • Catalog Number: 1028939